Trainer Talk with Lash Mother Uli

Written by: Bella Beauty



Time to read: 6 min

Since you've landed on this blog post, I'll assume you're already familiar with the powerhouse educator known as Lash Mother Uli. But for the unacquainted, let me introduce you to Uliana Shchepeleva, also known as Lash Mother Uli (@lashmother.uli).

As the founder of The Beauty House Training Center in Canada, she brings over 15 years of invaluable experience in the lash industry. However, her influence extends far beyond her training centre. With a staggering 165k followers on Instagram, Lash Mother Uli has earned her reputation as a "Lash Lift Guru," captivating her audience with daily stories, educational lash content, satisfying videos, and her infectious personality.

We first officially crossed paths with Uliana at a beauty convention in Sydney back in 2023. She hosted a training session that we were fortunate enough to attend, and let me tell you, she completely captivated us. Her energy and expertise were unparalleled, and we walked away from that session feeling inspired. It was love at first lash lift! Since then, we've stayed in touch, and when the time came to add other educators' masterclasses to our website, Uliana –or Lash Mother – was one of the first people who came to mind. And without hesitation, we made it happen!

You see, a lot of artists out there only know Lash Mother Uli from her Instagram presence. But we want to give you all a chance to get to know her beyond the 'gram, that's why we decided to sit down with her for an interview. So, without further ado, we're thrilled to present our inaugural ‘Trainer Talk’ series with none other than Uliana Shchepeleva, aka Lash Mother Uli!

Lash Mother Uli pointing gif
Trainer Talk with Lash Mother Uli Banner

Lash Mother Uli

How long have you been in the industry and how did you get started?

"I entered the lash industry back in 2007 when lash extensions were still relatively new, and most people only knew clusters. Initially, I was no more than just curious about trying new things and decided to get trained in Moscow, being one of the early adopters of this technique. What started as a side gig soon became my full-time passion within a few years. When I moved to Canada in 2013, I brought my skills with me, and they became instrumental in my success in a new country. Through dedication and hard work, I transformed my expertise into a thriving chain of beauty businesses, including a salon in downtown Toronto, a supply store for professionals, and comprehensive training programs both online and in-person, all while building a community on social media. It was through this journey that I earned the title of the "Lash Lift Guru" worldwide after over 16 years of hard work."

How did you get into education?

"As my skills in the lash industry grew, I noticed more and more people reaching out to me for advice and guidance. It became clear that there was a demand for my expertise, and I felt compelled to share my knowledge.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and traditional methods of teaching became challenging due to social distancing measures, I seized the opportunity to embrace online platforms like Instagram and explore virtual teaching options. This led me to create Lash Lift Revolution 1.0, marking the “birth” of Lash Mother Uli.

As lockdowns lifted, I shifted my focus from salon operations to nurturing my social media presence and expanding my training centre, both online and offline. I firmly believe that online education is the future because it allows for greater accessibility and flexibility for learners worldwide."

What’s a piece of advice you wish you knew when you started out?

"When I reflect on my journey, there are countless pieces of advice I wish I had known when I started out, making it nearly impossible to choose just one. Instead, I'll share three insights that have been pivotal for me:

  1. Firstly, if you're starting something, avoid partnerships. While it may seem very scary, go solo!
  2. Secondly, never underestimate the power of social media and personal branding. Start showcasing your knowledge and your face from the outset.
  3. Lastly, embrace imperfection. Striving for perfection is futile; acknowledge that nothing will ever be flawless. Aim for 70% excellence—it's more than sufficient for success."

What is a common lash lift myth that you would like to dispel?

"One common industry myth I'd like to dispel is the belief that getting lashes wet will cause them to lose their curl.

I've been advocating for the truth about this for over four years now. Initially, there was resistance and scepticism, this information was perceived by but as more information became available, it's been encouraging to see the industry evolve.

While some brands may recommend avoiding water to preserve the appearance of the lift, the reality is that water won't affect the curl with any brand. It's often advised to avoid water not for the curl's sake but to prolong the effects of the nourishing step."

What are your favourite products right now? And why?

"Haha, what a controversial question! I genuinely don't have a single favourite product. I firmly believe that with the right technique and skilful hands, beautiful results can be achieved using any brand.

Furthermore, I don't have a favourite brand either because my job isn't actually about performing lash lifts but rather testing and experimenting with different brands. Each brand has its pros and cons, and the choice ultimately depends on personal preferences such as packaging, scent, texture, clientele, and much more. Variety keeps things interesting and allows for customisation to suit the individual needs of different clients."

You’re stranded on a desert island, what's one lash product you couldn’t live without and why?

I’d take a mirror. After all, if I’m stranded on a desert island, I might as well enjoy the company of someone who always reflects positively on me!


Do you have any client horror stories?

"Well, picture this: a client comes in for a lash lift. Everything seems normal until, halfway through the procedure, the power goes out. Determined to finish the job, I attempted to work with a flashlight. However, in the dim light, I accidentally applied the lifting solution unevenly, resulting in one eye's lashes looking like they're reaching for the sky while the other eye's lashes seemed to have taken a nap. Needless to say, it was a lash lift gone lopsided, and the client left with a rather... unique look until we fixed it the next day when the light was back!"

What’s something about your life that might surprise your audience?

"You might be surprised to learn that I don't have a sweet tooth. While I may indulge in sweets out of politeness, I actually don't enjoy them. It's a little quirk about me that tends to catch people off guard!"

Anything you want to plug?

"As many of you know, my expertise lies in lash lift education, but I don’t think my Lash Lift Revolution program needs more advertising ;). I run that widely known program 3 times per year to teach everyone who is interested in learning lash lift from A to Z.

What is more interesting on the horizon is, as life evolves and I delve into new experiences, I'm realizing that I have more to offer beyond lash lifts. I am so excited now to embark on the new journey and branch out a little on my online education.

Stay tuned for insights on how to build a successful online or offline business in the beauty (and any other) industry. I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with all of you!"

Lash Mother's Masterclasses

Before we go...

Before we sign off, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Uliana for generously sharing her time and wisdom with us. It's been an absolute pleasure delving into her life and career, and we're walking away feeling inspired. And thank YOU dear reader for tuning in to our first-ever “Trainer Talk” blog!

Want to learn more about Uli? Well, you're in luck! Head over to her Instagram @lashmother.uli or her lash-lifting masterclasses are just a click away (and they are jam-packed with information)!

See you for the next instalment of Trainer Talk! I wonder who will our next guest be... 

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